Samahang Tagapagtaguyod

ng Katutubong

Sayaw ng Pilipinas

Philippine Folk Dance Society

Latest Announcement 

The Cultural Center of the Philippines aims to democratize the access and distribution of folk and indigenous knowledge to as many dance practitioners and enthusiasts as possible.

We have moved forward by the recent publication of INDAK TAYO: Dances of the Philippine Islands, which includes the notated dances from our collection and production of Instructional Videos on Folk and Indigenous Dances.

In the promotion of a more convenient way of utilizing the instructional videos, you may use the QR code provided and made available for your viewing.

The featured segments are cognizant and respectful of origins, specific characteristics, and the sociocultural context of folk and indigenous traditions.

This special edition is in partnership with the Philippine Folk Dance Society as the CCP continues to collaborate in the field of dance education.